9am Saturday
October 10, 2020
Google Account required for file upload
The Willcox Art Alley Paint Jam celebrates art in unusual places!
This year, it will take place in the alley of historic downtown Willcox (between Railroad Avenue and Haskell) on the wall of the old lumber yard.
The piece will feature the outline of a train painted by a local street artist with a variety of railcars and a metal, interactive train engine. Each artist is invited to complete a one railcar, estimated to be 5 feet by 10 feet. There are estimated to be openings for eight different art pieces within the train.
The image below is a rough approximation (the final one will look much better)! Each box car will have a different image completed by a different artist.
What you need to know:
Since Art Alley will be a dynamic installment, remember your piece may not be permanent
Vision for Art
Historic visuals and references are welcome.
Art should reflect Willcox elements and/or values and build up our community.
Art is encouraged to be colorful, graphically clear, and uplifting.
Painting must be completed by October 11, with a strong preference for participation on October 10 at 9am during Paint Jam.
Please notify us of your intent to participate by submitting your artwork here no later than October 5.
While all artists are invited to participate, preference will be given to greater Willcox regional artists.
Artists should be excited about engagement with local residents and businesses and recognize that other community art projects will be taking place to engage local residents.
Final decisions about the artwork are made by the Willcox Art Alley Working Group. Art deemed inappropriate for any reason may be removed.
Do I need to provide my own supplies?
Basic supplies will be provided including a variety of brushes and exterior paints. The event planners will attempt to provide supplies that can endure in an outside environment with the Willcox weather.
If specific supplies are needed to complete your vision, please describe in form below. The event planners will attempt to secure described items, although they cannot be guaranteed. Collaborative artists are eligible for reimbursements up to $25 for supplies they personally provide.
When is this taking place?
Come paint during “Paint Jam” on October 10 at 9am with multiple artists simultaneously working on the collaborative project!!!
In addition to the mural being completed, other community art projects will be taking place simultaneously. In that way, all are welcome to come “Paint Jam!”
What made you want to create this project?​
Our vision is to have the art created in the context of community – including others in an upbeat art-marking morning during the Paint Jam.
How do I get involved?
Artists should express their intent to participate by completing the form here: https://forms.gle/TsDX3MyPCWFpTNFD7
Want to invite your friends to participate in Paint Jam? Here's our Facebook event page.Want to donate to Willcox Art Alley or help provide supplies for Paint Jam? Here's our GoFundMe.
Have other questions or ideas? You can reach us here: willcoxartalley@gmail.com